Always DO when you’re afraid
You’re dying every second. Move fast to leave behind as much as you can.
You won’t get another chance in this exact existence.
Remember: No one cares that much about what you’re doing
Everyone’s got their own story, cast, and conflicts.
They’re not obsessing over yours, only trying to get through their muddy middles.
Never forget: Time isn’t money; time is life
You can spend infinite time and not make money.
You can never spend time and not use life.
Heal from perfectionism ASAP
Perfection is not possible. Trying for impossible isn’t worth the time you’ll waste. The hours and hours you’ll never get back.
It doesn’t need to be perfect. Can’t be.
Your imperfection is more than enough.
Focus on progress.
Make decisions faster
You can change 99.9% of them.
Or start over.
Be patient with results
You don’t control outcomes, only effort, passion, and discipline.
Release it, iterate, release it.
Focus on creating. Focus on publishing.
Start an email list
Do this today. Get people’s emails.
They’re worth absolute gold.
Also, connect with others. You can do it alone, but it's so much harder. I've tried.
Do not be terrified of your impulsivity
I was and became a horrible perfectionist.
Learn to control dangerous impulses and decisions, then exploit the heck out of your impulsivity.
Remember: You DO NOT have forever
Every second, we get more life and more death. We’re conceived in decaying flesh.
Commit your gifts to the world.