Six tips to help you sell books
Sci-fi With That Weirdo, Deon Ashleigh - deon ashleigh dot com

Hey, you weirdo!

First, I'm excited to say I've finished the light edits of The Price of a Beating Heart. Thirty-seven chapters, done. Over the weekend, I'll be doing slow edits... then it's off to my editor for the final copyedit.

Today, I wanna talk to you about a thermos—and how it taught me to sell more of my books.

But before we get into that, onto the...

Fun Sci-fi Quiz: Do you know the answers?

1. Who directed '2001: A Space Odyssey'?

2. Who directed 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial'?

3. Who directed 'Blade Runner'?



Remember your answers. The truth'll be revealed at the end ;)

What I learned about marketing

"This is so simple." 

That's what I thought when I picked up this thermos. Kind of heavy. A good fit for my hand. I turned it over - $35. I set it down and studied it. 

"This is good marketing." But what makes people buy this bottle, and how can that help you reach readers?

The Clarity

The marketing is clear and simple. Buyers don't have to read much or put in much effort.

  • Mostly two-word sentences
  • 25 oz. and 750 mL - don't have to math

People don't wanna work hard. Make your book marketing lazy-friendly.

The Benefits

This bottle doesn't tell you how great this company is. Nope, it tells you how you'll BENEFIT from buying it.

  • tons of insulation
  • less dropping
  • durable
  • dishwasher = yes

People wanna know how your book'll entertain/educate/inspire them. Improve their lives.

The Safety

This bottle focuses on our desire for safety and security.

People don't wanna drink asbestos and other toxins, so the company made sure to mention it was BPA-free.

People wanna know your book's worth their cash.

As an author, your book is your product. Not your marketing.

Write a good book. Don't wrap a piece of coal in beautiful wrapping.

Your readers will feel betrayed.

The Environment

With only 25 words, this bottle's hitting its buyers from all angles. People focused on safety, practicality, laziness, and the environment.

"Goodbye, plastic bottles."

People wanna take care of our planet. If the other benefits didn't get 'em, this one might.

The Color

These bottles come in tons of colors.

The paint looks soft. The bottle's heavy. Feels expensive. Smells clean. Has a nice shape to it.

No, I'm not gonna take it out to dinner.

People like choices and sensory experiences. Paint vivid pictures in your books using all your senses.

Make your readers feel like they're there. Sight, smell, touch, hearing, touch, etc. Use 'em all.

The Discount

Many people bought this bottle at full price, and when they didn't - BOOM, 30% off.

People love a good deal and love to know they were clever in spending their money, so that strategically-timed sticker helps.

There's tons of ways to market your book, but the best way is to keep it simple.

  • focus on benefits or intrigue
  • keep it lazy-friendly
  • answer questions your readers might ask
  • do more work so they have to do less
  • make it easy for them to buy
Resources and recommendations
STACKED MARKETER Carefully curated digital marketing news, tech, and actionable advice, delivered fresh every weekday. Consumed in 7 minutes or less.

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A Smart Bear: Longform. Lessons from founding 2 unicorns over 20 years. Both bootstrapped and raised $300M. Have been writing for 16 years; trying to get better every day.

Subscribe to A Smart Bear: Longform

Snippet from The Price of a Beating Heart
"I put my hand to mychest, wishing to quietmy heartbeat as Iwatch it crawl by.Lurk along the smoothconcrete.Red eyes scanning usfrom the driver's seat."The price of a beating heart by deon ashleigh
Pre-order today
Quiz Answers

1. Stanley Kubrick

 2. Steven Spielberg

  3. Ridley Scott

So, how'd you do?

Awesome :D

Meh :|

Thought I knew more. Welp, I learned something :)


Be well,

Deon Ashleigh 👽

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